Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Back in "town"

I am currently up in San Luis Obispo again, but only for a week. I initially came up for a best friend's wedding and it was bar-none the best wedding I've ever been to. Amazing dancing, great food, great company and love. Here's a little bit of what went on at the wedding:

(Garrett and Tera Colburn)

(The Kiss.)

(Shea and be married October 9th.)

(Sarah and David.)

(Scott Ender, Kyle Wilhelm, John Lane, and Tyler Johnston.)

(Marisa....Tyler's lovely lady. Lovely.)

(Boo yah.)

Truth be told, my mind's been totally spun around bikes lately. Everything from super sexy $4600 Santa Cruz mountain bikes to old Italian and French race bikes to super crazy commuters/fixed gears. I love bikes so darn much. Check this beauty out (Pashley):

More to come....